Abstract: The computing power, communication, information and knowledge radically changed the way we live, work, and think, due to the growth of high speed networks, coupled with the falling cost of computing power. This explosion of technology is changing the banking industry from paper banks to digitized and networked banking services. Digitalization has already changed the internal accounting Process and management of banks. It is now changing the delivery system, banks use to interact with their customers.All over the world, banks are still struggling to find a technological solution to meet the challenges of a rapidly-changing environment. Banks, with the ability to invest and integrate information technology, will become dominate in the highly competitive global market [1]. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) has become a well-known IT infrastructure for business and increases the efficiency of IT [2]. Business operations are exposed as services, the interaction occur in loosely coupled method that operate independently. SOA architecture allows for service reuse, making it unnecessary to start from scratch when upgrades and other modifications are needed. This is a benefit to businesses that seek ways to save time and money [3] [4]. This paper integrates SOA with banking application to reduce the transaction delay and improve the performance of the system [5].

Keywords: SOA, WSDL, HTTP Protocol, Transactions, Batch Processing.